In Loving Contemplation
Today I find myself thinking how blessed I am and that my children are an inexplicable gift from God. I remember a lot of little things about my enchanting daughter, which I am afraid will fade away like sand through my fingers if too much time passes. Haven’t you ever loved someone so much that every minute that has passed with them is like a wisp of smoke in the air that you can see but cannot bring back?
In Loving Contemplation!
When she was but a little child with ringlets caught behind her ear, I would often find her reading oblivious to everything around her. She would curl up on the carpet with her knees tucked up behind her and a book open in front of her with her little fingers twiddling each page delicately as if to not disrupt the fibers. Neil Armstrong could scarcely have felt more wonder on the moon than my little girl felt through the pages of those new books!
There were times when I took her to the beach to swim and play in the sand like children her own age but she preferred to seek the shade and read her book. Her love for the written word always arose from an innate place within her and I could never seek credit for it. When I think about both of my children, they are vastly different. My son likes to create things and be in the outdoors and has no interest in reading but for the life of me, I do not want them to be the same. I am glad God sought to make them different in many wonderful ways! Believe me…I would not have it otherwise.
On this seemingly silent contemplative afternoon, I do not pretend that I can understand the complexity of God. How he can create immense capabilities for species in the small strands of DNA within us – and how from one couple of human beings or animals, countless different kinds of traits can emerge. Think about when two hummingbirds mate, they do not just create one hummingbird; they can create up to three hundred different kinds over the centuries! It does not take an artist to appreciate the beauty that lies in all these creations, all you have to do is to be looking for them.
In Loving Contemplation!
Often I have found myself in places where I can just watch people walk by. It is hard to explain my exact purpose except that I find it so surprisingly calming. Many of those people are mixed race or of mixed ethnicities but the union of their parents has created something which can only be described as artistic. Some of them have dusky skin with bright ocean blue eyes and there is certain synchronicity that you never imagined until you have actually seen it. The beauty is breathtaking!
Nowadays sexual intimacy has been made into something which must be discouraged or despised when it is love in its most basic sense and an act which makes such indescribable beauty possible. But it is true that it must arise from the right place within; from a place of true affection. Embrace this level of intimacy, all the while holding it in high esteem as something that you have been given but not something that belongs to you.
Litsa with Love!