
Main Dishes Recipes

Stifado Litsa!


WHAT IS stifado, and how do you make it? Lisa’s Stifado. Nothing compares to a Greek Stifado. Stifado a very traditional Greek recipe and I love it. It took my mother forever to do, she liked to spend time cooking her favorite recipes, for instance in this recipe she would […]


Shrimp with garlic and wine-Litsa!


For the love of shrimp-Shrimp with garlic and wine! I love shrimp and I will have them anyway and at any time…Shrimp with garlic and wine I adore! I like them plain, with pasta, in saganaki and the list goes on and on… Here is my very easy way to […]


Stuffed Calamari LitsaB!


Stuffed Calamari (excerpt from the book Take the taste of Greece with you) Calamari or Squid is a favorite among the Greek people. We have so many ways to make calamari, like risotto, with pasta, grilled, with spinach and fine herbs, and the best way we all know is fried […]

Main Dishes Recipes



This is a very delicious winter recipe, Pork with Cabbage in Tomato sauce! I feel that back to basics sometimes is so comforting! Pork and cabbage is just that! Comfort food! We love modern cooking but we should never forget our roots and where we came from….And this is a very […]

Karidata from Arahova!
Deserts Recipes

Karithata-Arahovas delicacies Litsa!


  Little Treasures! Karithata or Walnut sweets were my finds in my last visit to Greece. It never fails to amaze me that every corner of this beloved country has something different to offer. Every place I visit I am a little flavor detective always asking what the specialty of […]